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Advertise your graduate program in Explore Pharmacology

July 09, 2020

ASPET will once again be offering graduate program ads in the 2020 edition of Explore Pharmacology.  Please consider promoting your graduate program in our booklet.

Explore Pharmacology gives college students an overview of the fundamentals and applications of pharmacology and is the best place for you to recruit for your graduate program! The 2020 print edition will be distributed to undergraduate students directly interested in pharmacology, including all ASPET undergraduate student members who have expressed interest in applying to pharmacology graduate programs. 

In addition, the booklet will be distributed at:

  • The Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS), a national undergraduate student focused conference
  • Pharmacology 2020 (the British Pharmacological Society annual meeting) and Neuroscience 2020 (the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting)
  • The ASPET Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology 2021
  • Institutions that participate in ASPET's Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program

**Please note that if any of the above meetings proceed virtually, ASPET will promote the booklet in the virtual exhibit hall and will distribute and promote the electronic version of the booklet more widely using email, social media, and ASPETConnect.

The downloadable pdf version of Explore Pharmacology will be promoted online on the ASPET website, on social media, and on ASPET’s new online community, ASPETConnect.

We invite you to recruit for your program with an advertisement that fits your budget (full page, half page, and quarter page ads are available). With any purchase, your ad will be highlighted on the ASPET website's Departments and Training Programs in Pharmacology page with a link to your website.

Advertising rates and ad specifications are available on the Explore Pharmacology pagePlease do not hesitate to take advantage of this important opportunity to reach hundreds of undergraduate students! 

The space and materials deadline is Friday, August 7, 2020. 

If you would like to reserve your ad, please fill out the Advertisement Commitment Form and email Suzie Thompson at


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  • Latest ASPET News

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