In This Section


Divisions consist of members with a common scientific focus in a fairly broad area of pharmacology. Divisions will function semi-autonomously within the overall ASPET structure and shall have set policies, procedures and governance as outlined below.

Number of Divisions

There shall be no limit to the number of permissible divisions although it is estimated that no more than 10 will eventually be established.

Selection of Division Affiliation

Each member will be asked to choose a primary division and may choose any number of secondary divisions.

Size of Divisions

Generally a minimum of 250 primary members shall be required to constitute a Division.

Formation of Divisions

New Divisions shall be approved by the ASPET Council upon submission to the ASPET Council of persuasive evidence of the viability of a proposed Division, the composition of the initial Executive Committee, and a proposal for the activities to be carried out by the Division.

Inactive Divisions

If appropriate, the ASPET Council can appoint an ad hoc committee to re-organize an inactive Division. A Division may be dissolved by the ASPET Council if 1) for two consecutive years it is unable to mount an election slate or otherwise indicates clearly that it is unable to maintain its ability to self-govern, or 2) after two years a minimum of 250 members do not select this as their primary Division on the dues statement.


Each Division shall be governed by a Divisional Executive Committee, consisting minimally of a Chair, Past Chair, Chair-elect, Secretary/Treasurer, past Secretary/Treasurer and Secretary/Treasurer-elect. The Divisional Executive Committee may appoint other members of the Division to the Executive Committee as well. All members of the Executive Committee will serve a three-year term and may be reappointed. A key criterion for membership on the Executive Committee is a commitment to attend and participate in all Executive Committee meetings. There will be ex officio representation on the divisional Executive Committee by an ASPET Council liaison and a staff liaison.

Elected Positions

The Chair (and consequently Past Chair and Chair-elect) and the Secretary/Treasurer (and consequently Past Secretary/Treasurer and Secretary/Treasurer-elect) are elected positions. The Chair-elect will serve one year as Chair-elect, one year as Chair, and one year as Past Chair. The Secretary/Treasurer-elect will serve one year as Secretary/Treasurer-elect, one year as Secretary/Treasurer and one year as Past Secretary/Treasurer.

Appointed Positions

Chairs in alternate years will serve a two-year term (their years as Chair and Past Chair) as Division Representative to the Scientific Council. Chairs not serving on the Scientific Council during their year as Chair will serve a two year term (Chair and Past Chair) as Division representative to the ASPET Program Committee. ASPET Council will appoint its liaison. The Executive Officer will appoint the staff liaison.


Each Division must submit a budget by September 1 for the following fiscal year. The ASPET Finance Committee and the ASPET Council will review this budget when they review the final ASPET budget in October. Each Division will be given a budget based on the number of members who indicate this Division as their primary Division on the annual dues statement. This number will be taken as of June 30 from all statements processed at that point in time. The specific amount allocated per member will be set and reviewed periodically by the ASPET Finance Committee. Additional funds may be requested from the ASPET Council with adequate justification at the time of budget submission.

Fund Raising

Divisions are encouraged to raise outside funds to support their activities. However, all fund-raising activities should be coordinated through the ASPET office.


Divisions may not charge member dues.


Each Division shall hold a Divisional Member Meeting at least yearly, usually at the annual meeting. The Division Executive Committee shall have a face-to-face meeting at the annual meeting as well.


Each Division shall hold annual elections for its elected officers to coincide with the ASPET general election and appearing on the same ballot. ASPET’s Election Committee will have the responsibility of certifying the Division election results.

Election Slate

The Executive Committee is responsible for coming up with a slate for Chair-elect and Secretary/Treasurer-elect from among the membership, including names suggested at the Division Membership Meeting. The Executive Committee is responsible for contacting candidates, securing their commitment to run, obtaining biographical information, and submitting this information to the ASPET office no later than September 30.

Division Activities

Divisions are encouraged to work with their Council and Staff liaisons to facilitate communication with the Division membership and to accomplish their activities. Such activities are likely to include:

Scientific Programming

Divisions are encouraged to develop scientific programs, including independent colloquia and symposia at regular ASPET meetings. All scientific programming sponsored by an ASPET Division must be approved by the ASPET program Committee. Requests for approval of such programming should be submitted to the ASPET Office, and should include: title of presentation; venue of event; topics to be covered with a brief description of each and how it relates to the overall theme of the proposed event; potential speakers; budget request if funding is being requested from ASPET; reasons why this topic should be presented. The Program Committee meets via teleconference and e-mail as needed to review such proposals in a timely fashion. It is expected that scientific input from the Divisions into the ASPET annual meeting shall be effectively accomplished by participation on the Program Committee of the officially appointed Division representative. For symposia in conjunction with the annual meeting , proposals are due to the ASPET office by December 1 approximately 15 months prior to the meeting.

Web Site

The ASPET web site will provide links to home pages for each Division. Divisions are encouraged to set up home pages and use them to keep their members informed. A Division may:

  • Provide the information and/or files to the ASPET webmaster for posting on the ASPET server, or
  • Create a home page at a member’s site and provide the URL to ASPET to create a hyperlink, or
  • Request the ASPET webmaster to create a site for them. If the ASPET webmaster creates the site, it is still the responsibility of the Division to provide updated material to the webmaster for posting.


Divisions are encouraged to use the home page in lieu of a newsletter or to use space made available to them in The Pharmacologist for Divisional news. If a Division wishes to publish a print version newsletter, a budget must be submitted and approval must be obtained from the ASPET Finance Committee and Council.

Other Types of Activities

Divisions are encouraged to develop other types of activities at annual meetings, including dinners, workshops, best paper awards, receptions, etc. ASPET staff will provide as much assistance in this regard as possible, given limitations of time and personnel.  All such activities are to be funded out of the Division budget, or by a special request to Council.

Effective January 1, 1998
Reviewed in April 2006

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