In This Section

Member Obituaries

ASPET wishes to acknowledge deceased Society members with expanded obituaries on our website. Obituaries for publication on the Society's webpage should be submitted via e-mail to the ASPET membership department at Please include the individual's full name, date of birth and death, education and professional affiliations, and any other details in remembrance of the individual you wish to acknowledge, along with a photo, if available.

  • May 25, 2022
    We note with regret the passing of Dr. Roy W. Pickens. In 2016, Dr. Pickens received the P.B. Dews Lifetime Achievement Award for Research in Behavioral Pharmacology by ASPET.
  • April 25, 2022
    We note with regret the passing of Professor Marc Caron, a James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Cell Biology at Duke University, where he also served as the Vice-Chair for Science and Research in the department.
  • January 24, 2022
    We note with regret the passing of Professor Sue Piper Duckles (1946-2022), Ph.D., FASPET, a James B. Emerita of Pharmacology, University of California, Irvine.
  • July 30, 2021
    ASPET notes with sympathy the passing of ASPET member Dr. Tom Tephly, winner of the John J. Abel Award and over 200 publications for scholarly journals.
  • July 02, 2021
    ASPET notes with sympathy the passing of ASPET member Dr. Joseph M. Moerschbaecher, III, professor of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics at LSU Health Sciences Center, who served in multiple capacities for ASPET and from 2010-2012 was the President of the Behavioral Pharmacology Society.
  • June 28, 2021
    ASPET notes with sympathy the passing of ASPET member Dr. Hyun Dju Kim, physiologist, pharmacologist, Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology at University of Missouri, Columbia Medical Center.
  • June 10, 2021
    ASPET notes with sympathy the passing of ASPET member Dr. Mary J. Mycek, author of many Pharmacology publications including three editions of the widely used Lippincott review text, and former chair of ASPET's sub-committee on Women in Pharmacology,
  • June 10, 2021
    ASPET notes with sympathy the passing of ASPET member Dr. Elise Ann Brown, research pharmacologist at the National Institutes of Health and toxicologist with the Agriculture Department.
  • May 27, 2021
    ASPET notes with sympathy the passing of ASPET member Dr. Gouri Bhattacharyya, past president of the Indian Society of Medical and Pediatric Oncology (ISMPO).
  • May 14, 2021
    ASPET notes with sympathy the passing of ASPET member Dr. Joseph Kaiser, a 32 year veteran at NIH, with the last 22 years as the Executive Secretary of the Pharmacology Study Section.

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