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Revised ASPET Bylaws Approved by Membership

February 14, 2023

As part of the 2023 Election that closed on February 10th, the ASPET membership approved a full revision of the ASPET Bylaws. Among the benefits of these revised Bylaws are ensuring ASPET is fully compliant with nonprofit incorporation regulations in the state of Maryland (where ASPET was incorporated in 1933), providing flexibility for the organization to update its processes quickly in the future to meet member needs, and provide more clarity on the roles and responsibilities of ASPET leadership.     

The revised ASPET Bylaws are the result of nearly 18 months of time and effort from the ASPET Bylaws Task Force. Established in June 2021, the task force was charged with reviewing the feedback on the existing bylaws from ASPET legal counsel, Council or Task Force members and proposing revisions to the bylaws to address recommendations. The revised bylaws were reviewed and approved by the ASPET Council in November 2022 before they were presented to ASPET members for their consideration. 

ASPET Bylaws Task Force Members

Mary-Ann Bjornsti (Chair)

Rheaclare Fraser-Spears

Khalid Garmin

Michael Jarvis

John Lazo

Edward Morgan

Ana Vergara

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