In This Section

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

The Nominating Committee is comprised of the current Chair of each of the ASPET Divisions, the ASPET immediate Past President to serve as Chair, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council Representative, and the Chair of the Young Scientists Committee as voting members.  The Executive Officer will also serve on the committee as a non-voting member.  The Nominating Committee is responsible for developing the election slate for the following ASPET officers:  President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer-Elect, Councilor.

  • Develop slate of at least two nominees for each office.
  • Ascertain eligibility of candidates.
  • Obtain consent of candidates to stand for office.

View the position descriptions for elected ASPET officers.

Committee Membership

Division Membership

Past Election Slates

Election Bulletins


Job Postings