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Abstracts submissions opening soon.  Submit an abstract by November 7th to be eligible for an ASPET Travel Award.

The objective of the ASPET Travel Award Program is to encourage the career development of young scientists through their participation in the ASPET Annual Meeting. Attendance at the ASPET Annual Meeting provides the opportunity for young scientists to learn about recent advances in pharmacology, network with peers and international experts in the field of pharmacology, and contribute their own work to the scientific dialogue.

ASPET Travel Awards are primarily funded by the Young Scientist Travel Award Fund, Memorial Travel Fund and the Commemorative Travel Award Funds

Award Description

Undergraduates, post-baccalaureate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral scientists are invited to apply for a travel award to help defray the cost of attending the ASPET Annual Meeting. ASPET offers two types of specialty awards in addition to the general travel award: 1) travel awards for members of groups underrepresented in the biomedical sciences; and 2) international travel awards for applicants residing in developing countries. Please see the eligibility details for these award types below.


ASPET travel awards consist of paid registration and up to four hotel nights at the official headquarters hotel (applies to general awards and underrepresented student/postdoc awards). International travel awards for applicants residing in developing countries include paid registration and up to four hotel nights at the official headquarters hotel, plus reimbursement of up to $500 for airfare.


Award Terms

  • The ASPET travel awards are for in-person attendance at the ASPET Annual Meeting. 
  • All travel award winners are required to present their posters for the full duration of their assigned presentation time.
  • Paid registration will be provided within your appropriate registration category (e.g., undergraduate, graduate student, postdoc). Awardees will be provided with a special code to use during the registration process which will bill the charges directly to ASPET.
  • International awards only: Reimbursement of airfare expenses up to $500 requires valid receipts and must be in accordance with ASPET policies. Eligible airfare expenses will be reimbursed after the meeting. Reimbursement checks are provided in US dollars. No other award type includes airfare reimbursements.
  • Travel award winners must be ASPET members in good standing during both the year of application and the year of the meeting. If you win a travel award and your membership lapses during the year of the meeting, you must renew to maintain your eligibility. 
  • The award includes complementary registration and up to 4 nights at the official headquarters hotel; ASPET will coordinate the reservations, and will provide award winners with additional instructions. 
  • Applicants may only receive one ASPET travel award to the Annual Meeting. If awarded, winners may not receive other sources of ASPET travel funding including, but not limited to, invited speaker travel support and division travel awards. However, travel awardees are encouraged to seek additional funds from their department or institution for expenses not covered via the ASPET award.
  • Submission of an application does not guarantee receipt of a travel award.

  • All applicants must be members of ASPET in good standing. The current year’s dues must be paid before we will accept an application. Please plan ahead and apply for or renew membership at least two weeks prior to the award deadline. If your dues have not been paid by the application deadline, your application will not be considered.
  • Applicants conducting pharmacology-related research, including, but not limited to, those representing departments of pharmacology, toxicology, physiology, pharmaceutical sciences and/or biological chemistry are encouraged to apply.
  • All applicants must submit and be the presenting author of an abstract for ASPET 2025. Late-breaking abstracts are not eligible. 
  • Undergraduates must be enrolled full-time in an undergraduate degree program and not have completed their degree requirements by May 1, 2025.
  • Post-baccalaureate students meeting ASPET’s membership requirements are eligible.
  • Graduate students must be enrolled full-time in a graduate or professional degree program and not have completed their degree requirements by May 1, 2025.
  • Postdoctoral scientists must have received a PhD or equivalent degree in pharmacology or a related field within five years prior to the date of application.
  • Awards for underrepresented students and postdoctoral scientists are available for members of groups defined by the NIH to be underrepresented in the biomedical sciences.
  • A limited number of international awards are available for applicants residing in developing countries, defined as falling within Category I or Category II for reduced ASPET membership rates. Applicants not chosen for an international award will automatically be considered for the general awards.
  • Applications not meeting the eligibility criteria as stated above will not be considered.
Application Deadline

You must submit your abstract by November 7th to be eligible for an ASPET Travel Award. 

How to Apply

There is no separate application process, and you may indicate your interest in the competition at the same time you submit your abstract.  After indicating your interest in a travel award, you will be prompted to answer additional questions. Please be prepared to upload your CV and provide a brief personal statement. Please note that a letter of recommendation is no longer required for travel awards.


Q: Does applying for a travel award automatically enter me into consideration for a poster award?
A: No; you must indicate your interest in the poster awards separately. This can also be done when you submit your abstract. Please visit the poster awards webpage for more details.

Q: I submitted a late abstract. Can I still apply for a travel award?
A: No; only abstracts submitted by the submission deadline of November 7th are eligible.

Q: I do not see the prompt for travel awards in the abstract submission system. What happened?
A: Only eligible members will see the travel award questions during the abstract submission process. Please make sure you are a member in good standing for 2025, in an eligible category listed above, and are the presenting author of the abstract.

Q: Can I use the hotel nights at a another property?
A: No; the award offers up to 4 hotel nights at the official headquarters hotel only. 

Q: Can I share my hotel room with others?
A: Yes; you may have other guests stay in your room in accordance with hotel policies. Please note that this will not alter the value of the award or the number of allowed nights.

Q: When will I find out if I have won a travel award?
A: Notifications will be sent out before the discounted registration deadline. 

Q: I was selected for a travel award to a prior meeting. Can I apply again?
A: Yes, you may apply again.

Q: If I receive a travel award, do I need to register for the meeting or will ASPET handle it for me?
A: If selected for a travel award, you will register yourself using a special code which will bill the charges to ASPET.


If you have other questions about a travel award, please email us at

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