There is no separate application process, and you may indicate your interest in the competition at the same time you submit your abstract. After indicating your interest in a travel award, you will be prompted to answer additional questions. Please be prepared to upload your CV and provide a brief personal statement. Please note that a letter of recommendation is no longer required for travel awards.
Q: Does applying for a travel award automatically enter me into consideration for a poster award?
A: No; you must indicate your interest in the poster awards separately. This can also be done when you submit your abstract. Please visit the poster awards webpage for more details.
Q: I submitted a late abstract. Can I still apply for a travel award?
A: No; only abstracts submitted by the submission deadline of November 7th are eligible.
Q: I do not see the prompt for travel awards in the abstract submission system. What happened?
A: Only eligible members will see the travel award questions during the abstract submission process. Please make sure you are a member in good standing for 2025, in an eligible category listed above, and are the presenting author of the abstract.
Q: Can I use the hotel nights at a another property?
A: No; the award offers up to 4 hotel nights at the official headquarters hotel only.
Q: Can I share my hotel room with others?
A: Yes; you may have other guests stay in your room in accordance with hotel policies. Please note that this will not alter the value of the award or the number of allowed nights.
Q: When will I find out if I have won a travel award?
A: Notifications will be sent out before the discounted registration deadline.
Q: I was selected for a travel award to a prior meeting. Can I apply again?
A: Yes, you may apply again.
Q: If I receive a travel award, do I need to register for the meeting or will ASPET handle it for me?
A: If selected for a travel award, you will register yourself using a special code which will bill the charges to ASPET.
If you have other questions about a travel award, please email us at