In This Section

The Division for Neuropharmacology (NEU) serves members with interests in all aspects of neuropharmacology research from studies in the central nervous system to peripheral autonomic pharmacology. Specific areas include, but are not limited to, neurochemistry, neurotransmission, neurotoxicity of drugs, neural receptor pharmacology, signal transduction in neural tissue, mechanisms of nervous system disorders, treatment of nervous system disorders, the pharmacology of drugs acting on the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system, alcohol and drug addiction, drugs of abuse, and behavioral neuropharmacology.

Division Goals

  • To support our junior investigators via travel awards to Experimental Biology for undergraduate students, graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows, early career investigators awards, and mentoring programs


Division Hashtag

Posting on social media about the NEU division? Use #ASPETNEU.

Division News

  • March 07, 2023
    From April 14-24, the ASPET divisions will host their 2023 online Town Halls. This is your opportunity to connect with others who specialize in your research area, hear about your division's latest activities including a sneak peek at annual meeting presentations, and to learn about how you can get involved.
  • June 04, 2021
    ASPET Divisions will once again be “taking over” ASPET’s social media platforms this summer from June through early September.
  • May 27, 2021
    The Division for Neuropharmacology would like to recognize our young scientists who attended the ASPET Annual Meeting at EB 2021 and participated in our poster or oral competitions. The judges were very impressed with the science and presentations this year.

Job Postings