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EB 2018 Welcome Reception

April 23, 2018
By Tamara Escajadillo

EB Welcome ReceptionFor the second year in a row, the Experimental Biology all society inclusive welcome reception helped break the ice this year in sunny San Diego! This inter-disciplinary meet and mingle event was held in the Sails Pavilion right after the fantastic Tang Prize Award Lecture by Feng Zhang PhD.

Members and attendees were able to come together and enjoy an evening of networking while enjoying refreshments which included a taco bar (which I would like to petition to be brought back for subsequent meetings!) and a cash drink bar.

New this year was the inclusion of an additional transdisciplinary poster session that was held in the Sails Pavilion and was set up among the food and drink bars to help encourage conversations about the amazing STEM-themed public engagement activities and programs being undertaken by many different society members.

If you were not able to attend the welcome reception this year, I highly encourage you to consider attending next year. It’s a great way to start networking with people at the meeting in a more relaxed atmosphere and sets a great tone for the rest of the days to come!

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