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Sex Differences Influence the Outcome of Neuropsychiatric Disorders: A Special Issue

September 29, 2020
by Luisa Torres, PhD and Stella Tsrika, PhD

Chronic pain, drug abuse, and depression are complex diseases whose treatment and management are notoriously difficult. But there is one factor that is often ignored in the design and interpretation of studies on these diseases that adds an extra layer of complexity: sex. Sex differences have implications for brain wiring and the treatment of psychiatric disorders. October's JPET special issue gathers seven articles showcasing original research and reviews pertaining to sex differences in the cells that control immune responses in the brain.

These articles show us how the immune cells of the brain play an important role in how neurological disorders unfold. Understanding the biological manifestations of sex-related differences in neuroimmune cells and their impact on the central nervous system might shape treatments for neurological and psychiatric disorders in the future.

The cluster of articles is freely accessible through the end of 2020.

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