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Call For Papers – Quantitative Systems Pharmacology

July 27, 2022

A special section on Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) is being planned for publication in the September 2023 issue of The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.

The submission deadline is March 1, 2023.

Original research pertaining to QSP will be considered for publication in this special section. QSP has established itself as a challenging and unique discipline that produces mechanistic models of drug action; either action related to therapeutic efficacy and/or those related to drug toxicity. The field is an extension of pharmacodynamics in that relevant protein-protein interaction pathways and networks are represented in the models providing a systems-level view of drug action. Manuscripts describing new and innovative QSP models, as well as computational tools, such as machine learning, to develop and evaluate QSP models, manually or through automatic model learning, and means to incorporate multi-omic data into model building are especially welcome.  Other QSP research topics, such as those related to drug development, including in vitro/in vivo or interspecies model scaling, are also appreciated. Pre-submission proposals are welcome and will be evaluated by our guest editors listed below.  

Original articles addressing any aspects of the aforementioned topics will be considered.  Please send a pre-submission inquiry to include in your cover letter interest in being considered for the special section, the title, abstract, significance statement, and full author information to The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics in advance of full submission. The guest editors, Dr. James M. Gallo and Dr. Annabelle Ballesta will review your presubmission inquiry and respond with comments and suggestions, and will assess whether final approval will be granted for a full submission. All submissions to the journal must refer to the journal Instructions to Authors (, where specific guidelines on research articles are located.


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