In This Section

Addressing the Opioid Epidemic Through Science and Policy

Sunday April 07, 2019

8:00 am - 10:00 am Eastern Time (ET)

Room W205 A


Chair :

Sophia Kaska
University of Kansas

Carol Paronis
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School

The opioid epidemic is a major health crisis that the United States faces today. Despite the various health, economic, and social burdens that are associated with addiction, our society is still struggling to find effective methods to avoid addiction while treating patients and to also eliminate these burdens. Because of the complexity of the epidemic, the primary objective of this symposium is to learn more about how both opioid research and policy and community initiatives can be used to fight this crisis.


Sharon Walsh - University of Kentucky

Pharmacotherapeutic Approaches to Opioid Use Disorder: What Works and What’s Missing?

Phil Skolnick - Opiant Pharmaceuticals

Fighting Fire with Fire: Development of Intranasal Nalmefene to Treat Synthetic Opioid Overdose

John Traynor - University of Michigan

New Understanding of Opioid Receptor Function: Allosteric Modulation and Biased Agonism

Jane Acri - National Institute on Drug Abuse

Goals and Accomplishments of the HEAL (Helping to End Addiction Long-term) Initiative