In This Section

ADME in Neonates and Infants: Therapeutics, Toxicity, and Development of New Drugs

Tuesday April 07, 2020

2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Eastern Time (ET)

Room 16 B


Chair :

Pieter Annaert
University of Leuven

Xiao-bo Zhong
University of Connecticut

Patients at ages of neonate and infant are at developmental ages facing special challenges on drug therapy and toxicity. Most prescription drugs are used as off label for neonates and infants. They have the highest medical errors and adverse drug action rates. There is a specific requirement for inclusion of neonates and infants as a study population for therapeutic efficacy, toxicity, and development of new drugs. Several knowledge gaps exist, making too difficult to study neonates and infants. The aim of the symposium is to bring several experts in the field to discuss studies of ADME at these specific ages.


Connie Chen - The Health and Environmental Sciences Institute

ADME Studies in Nonclinical Species to Support Efficacy and Safety of Drug Therapy in Neonates and Infants

Pieter Annaert - University of Leuven

Ontogeny of ADME Processes during Postnatal Development in Man and Preclinical Species: A Focus on Liver

Xiao-bo Zhong - University of Connecticut

Short and Long-term Alterations of ADME for Drug Efficacy and Toxicity by Drug Treatment at Neonatal and Infant Ages in Preclinical Species

Jed Lampe - University of Colorado

CYP3A7 Drug-hormone Interactions in the Neonate: Adrenal Insufficiency and Low Birthweight in the HIV Infected Neonate caused by Inhibition of CYP3A7 DHEA-S Oxidation by Ritonavir