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Journals Workshop: An Interactive Guide to Publishing, Reviewing, and Decision Making

Monday April 04, 2022

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Eastern Time (ET)

109 AB


Chair :

Maria Pasho
Publications Director, ASPET

Sponsored by the ASPET Publications Committee. The editors of ASPET's journals will lead an interactive workshop to discuss why researchers should choose ASPET journals and address journal-related issues such as manuscript preparation, the review process and being a good reviewer, and the decision process.


Beverley Greenwood-Van Meerveld - JPET Editor

Why Choose ASPET Journals and What is ASPET Looking For?

Learn about the scope of the five ASPET journals and what types of manuscripts are published in ASPET journals. Get six tips to reduce the chances of your research being rejected. What are your ethical responsibilities as an author? What is the flow of your manuscript through the system?

Xinxin Ding - Editor, Drug Metabolism and Disposition

Taking the Mystery Out of the Review Process and How to Be a Good Reviewer

How do you know whether a manuscript is good enough for the journal you are reviewing for? How do you write a review that is concise, informative, and balanced? This session will prepare novice reviewers and polish experienced reviewers for a rewarding reviewing experience for ASPET journals.

Lynette Daws - PharmRev Editor

Decision Making: What Goes Into It?

In this session, we walk you through the process of manuscript review, from submission to final decision. We discuss the roles of the editor-in-chief, associate editors, and reviewers, and what qualities of a manuscript trigger rapid reject, request for revision, or acceptance. Join us to get a firsthand look behind the scenes.

Maria Pasho - Publications Director, ASPET

A Snapshot of Creative Commons Copyright Licenses

When authors choose to publish an article with open access, they purchase a CC BY copyright license. But what is CC BY and where does it originate? What does the license allow an author to do?