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Toxicoepigenetics: The Interface of Epigenetics and Risk Assessment Workshop

October 20, 2016

Toxicoepigenetics: The Interface of Epigenetics and Risk Assessment Workshop

A three-day workshop on Toxicoepigenetics: The Interface of Epigenetics and Risk Assessment, will be held November 2-4, 2016 at the Hyatt Regency in Tyson’s Corner, Virginia.  This meeting, sponsored by the Society of Toxicology and the US Environmental Protection Agency and supported by the ASPET Toxicology Division, will feature state-of-the-science presentations by experts in the field of toxicoepigenetics. Participant-focused sessions will address the epigenome as a mediator of exposure effects and susceptibility, the use of epigenetic biomarkers, and the future integration of epigenetic endpoints in risk assessment. For a complete meeting program, list of speakers, and for registration information, please visit the Toxicoepigenetics: The Interface of Epigenetics and Risk Assessment home page.

Registration is open now!  Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows can register at reduced rates. For additional questions or meeting information, please feel free to contact workshop co-Chair Shaun McCullough. In addition, please contact Shaun if you are interested in sharing a hotel room and would like to be added to the room sharing list.

We encourage you to circulate the attached informational flyer (PDF) to your interest colleagues.

Last updated: October 20, 2016 

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